martes, 27 de enero de 2015

Grave of the Fireflies

Grave of the Fireflies is a film of Isao Takahata realised the 17 of April 1988. The movie is based on a novel (with the same name) by Akiyuki Nosaka in 1967. The original name of this film is Hotaru no haka. This film run by the second world war in Japan.

Director: Isao Takahata
Production: Toru Hara
Script: Isao Takahata
Music:Michio Mamiya


The film takes place in Japan during the second world war. The protagonists are two brothers who have to survive this war to overcome all obstacles and difficulties which put them ahead. Brother elder, Seita, feel a great duty, which is to take care of her younger sister Setsuko, of 5 years.


Seita: Is the older brother of Setsuko. He is 14 years old and his main purpose is to take care of her sister. He avoid giving trouble to people but he claim what is yours to help his little sister.

Satsuko:Satsuko is the little sister of Seita, she is 5 years old and whenever is possible, she try to smile, but throughout the film, the girl begins to feel damage from malnutrition.

Seita and Satsuko escaping of the fire

The aunt: She is a woman that welcomes children with reluctantly at first, but eventually begins to despise them more.

Kobe, Japan
Kobe: Is the city where the bombing happened

The live action of "Grave of the fireflies" was released in 2005 produced by the Japanese NTV for the 60th anniversary of the end of the second world war

Here is the Trailer of the movie


The next video is the song of the ↓ film by piano

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